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Forest & Land Management

Forest Planning

We want all of our customers to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with Brooks Land and Timber. Forest Planning is where the rubber meets the road and we are able to put you the landowners thoughts and dreams on paper. This is a critical part b/c without goals and objectives you can have an asset not making money or wildlife not flourishing like they could be.


Timber Sales

Timber is an asset that is constantly growing when in the right environment or stage of life. If the stand is too thick a stand could be stunted and not growing at its full potential. This is where a timber sale comes into play.

If your goal is to have a cash flow every 5-10 years or if your just wanting to open up your woods for better access & wildlife. 

Per Ton Sales & Bid Sales

Once your timber is sold our forester will be on the ground making sure your project is being performed at the best possible manner as well as abiding by all state Best Management Practices (BMP's)

Forest Inventory & Valuation

It is vital to have a good understanding as to what you have on the stump. This is where we can come in to help. BLT can setup a custom cruise to better understand what your standing volume may be. This is an especial when establishing a forest plan, timber sales, appraisals, & just knowing what you have out there from a species composition.

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Having a visual of what you own or hunt is a great tool when looking to manage an asset. Our forester is proficient in ArcGIS as well as MapRight were he can customize mapping projects for all of your needs big or small.

Prescribed Fire & Establishing a Burn Plan

There has been fire on the landscape for a lot longer than you & I have been on this earth. Its important to understand the fire regime that is needed to establish & maintain throughout the SE US. Fire on the landscape benefits a wide range of things including wildlife, wild fire prevention, aesthetics, & the ability to encourage native forbs & fauna to name a few.

Our forester is burn certified & insured to perform any sized burn throughout the SE US. Feel free to reach out as we can come up with a game plan, establish fire breaks, & start your journey to return fire on the landscape.

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Silviculture & Reforestation

After a timber sale it is vital to get that stand back in production if timber production is your goal & objective. Let BLT help walk you through the steps of chemical & mechanical site prep, tree species selection, spacing, and all things reforestation.

Time is on your side only if you plan in advance and get trees back in the ground. With the right sequence of events from a site preparation stand point, seedling selection, & timing you can see HUGE gains in growth and return on your investment. Let us help walk you through these steps with a turn-key process and a ton of options for cost-share covering your seedling cost!


Small acreage clearcuts and thins that turn your timbered tract into a buildable pad for you and your family to build your dream home. We have uniquely been able to create a turn-key process that allows our clients to use the timber on their tract to help offset cost for the sitework. We have a turn-key harvest to construction pad system that could be a good solution for you and your family. Reach out for more infor or a quote today!

Forestry & Land Management: Inventory
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